Alan Beagley wrote:
On 09/21/03 01:52 am Zoran Brlecic put fingers to keyboard and launched
the following message into cyberspace:
If there ever was a Homeowners' Association, it has been defunct for
Then you don't have to comply with the CC&R's at all, because there is
no one to enforce them. Make sure it is 100% defunct, though.
That would be nice if it were true, but I think that any other
homeowner(s) in the subdivision could file suit if they had deep enough
I admit this is best left to lawyers, but generally CC&R's are passed on
from the developer only to the HOA, not to the individual owners. Once
the HOA dissolves, CC&R's are not binding and individuals have no legal
ground to pursue the matters based on them.
Good luck,
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