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Old December 10th 05, 10:38 AM posted to,
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Default Peter brainbuster is not who or where he says he is


Look again at the path...


Do you see that? "" is a port to the mixmaster
Tonga remailer. Don't pretend it's not.

I already explained how to read that header, but I clearly have to give
you the "Dummy's Guide"...

First of all, as I cannot be arsed to spend time checking headers to make sure you have
read one correctly and quoted it correctly, I will assume that the above header is accurate.
Now, as each server adds it's name to the beginning of the list, you must read that
header backwards:

1. !
The source of the message. As my system is not a server, it is simply referred to by the
IP address that the ISP allocated to me at the time I made the post. However, once I hit
the "disconnect" button, that number ceases to be a link to me or my computer.

2 !entanet
The name of the NNTP server that I sent the message to. At this point, where the
message goes is totally out of my control.

3. !
A list of the servers that were used to get the message from the news server I used
to the news server that you used. As I do not run the Internet, I have NO
control over where each server decides to send it next.

Your server at your end... The Troll's friend, Google.

Do you really think that some UK server exists purely as a "port" to just *one*
service in another country? It is simply relaying messages between other
Internet servers, any messages that are sent to it.

Anyone can do the trace.

Except you, clearly.

I am not about to post screen shots from my network
analyzer software.

Would that be the one that tells you where someone was born, their work history
and gives a list of places they lived??
As the bird in the clock says... Cuckoo.

It was not designed to test the correctness of the answers. Just your reactions to
the questions. The fact you let Graham "go ahead of you in the queque" spoke

I have told you so many times that you are embarrassing yourself by acting so stupid.

As I do not live on the Internet, I almost always take more than the four hours you
allowed to reply. If you had any "Net Stalking" abilities, you would have spotted that
I commonly take days to reply to a message.
But, once again, you must put your total ignorance on public display.

Also, if you had any knowledge of such tests, you would have considered that
anyone who did not know the answers will take longer as they need to look the
answers up.
But, once again, you must publicly display your ignorance.

I don't have to prove a thing.

It's not for me to prove how or why, although I can guess.

What you really mean, is that you CANNOT prove it because it is
all in your imagination.

But, as you mention the subject...
As I have no need to answer to you, explain where I live or give personal details, you
should not whine because you don't believe the facts.
As you don't even give a Christian name, and keep changing your ID and Email
address, you are hardly in a position to accuse others of "hiding".
When you give your full name, birth place, present address, employment details,
work history, and a regular Email and ID that you stick to, maybe you can start
complaining that other people are hiding.

I will not go digging up the posts where you complain to your buddies in
the uk cb group about making ends meet on "an M&S vannie's salary",
you know they are there, anyone can find them.


Or perhaps you could go back to Lille where you worked as a routier in
the 1970's for a short time and learned your trade.


But you worked for them after you got fired from Selfridges.

Lille, Selfridges, posts about making ends meet??? This is getting too
stupid even to laugh at.

I am beginning to get the impression that you really believe this crud you're
Considering the time you are spending examining every tiny detail of my
headers, pinging IP numbers and dreaming up ideas about every part of
my life - who I am, where I live, where I have lived, where I was born, where
I work, where I have worked, what jobs I have done in the past, what food I
like to eat, etc - I would say that you have a serious obsession.

I would suggest that you take any outstanding issues you have to
someone qualified to drug you up until all your troubles go away.

Merry Christmas.