Reception today around 17:30 UTC on the 9 and 11 MHz bands
On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 13:34:40 -0500, dxAce
David wrote:
On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 18:07:47 GMT, Telamon
Japan much weaker than usual on 9,535 kHz
Australia and New Zealand much weaker on their 9 MHz band frequencies
this morning.
AFRTS out of Hawaii on 10,320 kHz much stronger than usual at S9.
Australia on 11,880 and NZ on 11,980 very good this late morning.
Are they still there?
Australia still on 11880 at 1830. New Zealand now on 15720.
I can hear a weak and unreadable male voice on 11880. 15720 is OK.
50 miles northeast of Telemon.