05-235 - Any new procode test arguments?
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December 12th 05, 04:33 AM posted to
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One Class of Amateur Radio License?
From: on Dec 11, 11:03 am
From: on Dec 7, 5:28 pm
From: Bill Sohl on Dec 6, 6:11 am
wrote in message
I'm not convinced that a "starting path" is necessary.
The alternative would be to eliminate all license classes except
the Amateur Extra, and require all new hams to meet all the
requirements of the Amateur Extra without any intermediate
The ONLY alternative? :-)
If you don't want to lower the written test requirements, yes.
Jim just got through posting that in 1936 the code speed was *increased
and the written exams made *more comprehensive for the three license
classes at the time. Later, all priveleges were granted to the
General class license. Then they were taken away.
Now, one license class with the equivalent of the General Class exam is
"lowering the requirements."
Jim sees what Jim wants to see.
Jimmie need help of opthalmologist...he have astigmatism.
He have a stigmup tis bottom.
It isn't logical to have ONE license labeled "Extra." :-)
Then call it something else.
Ummm...yes, that's what I answered. Too obvious to be "seen,"
I guess...
Not enough "prestige."
Every month, a few dozen new licenses are issued to
Generals and Extras. While that number is small
compared to those who start out as Technicians, it
proves that at least some new hams bypass one or both
upgrading steps.
Why does one have to "upgrade" through license
One doesn't. Anyone can "go for the Extra right out of the box".
You haven't.
One doesn't have to upgrade at all. At one time the General conveyed
all amateur priveleges, and few amateurs tested higher. Then the FCC
implemented the Incentive Licensing System which you loved, took away
priveleges, and the rest is history. Now you say that going back to
all priveleges for the General exam is lowering requirements.
Sorry you feel that way.
Confusion reigns there. Must be the weather...
When it reigns, it poors.
If there were only ONE license, there would be no
"upgrading" via licenses, would there?
And if there were only one license, regardless of
what it would be called, its test(s) would
have to contain everything that is now contained in
the three written tests for the Amateur Extra.
Otherwise the standards would be reduced.
No, it wouldn't. Strawman.
The General License used to convey ALL AMATEUR PRIVELEGES.
Not applicable to Jimmie-discussions. He get Extra license,
be "superior." He typify "superior" class, elite. Nobility?
Blue blood is thicker than water.
Just thick. Need thinner. Coronary imminent.
So what you propose is that all new amateurs would
have to pass the equivalent of all the written tests
for the Amateur Extra all at once, just to get an
amateur radio license.
Is that what you want?
You're the one who loved the Incentive Licensing System which took
priveleges away from fully qualified amateurs. You're the one who
loves unnecessary licensing requirements.
Brian, that wasn't the point.
Good. I'm glad I was able to bring Jim back around to the discussion
of policy.
Jimmie try more misdirection
by trying to start yet-another controversy over "what I want."
That can be expanded with his imaginary helium to "reach the
threshold of [newsgroup] space."
Wonder how Coslo's BBS is coming along?
He tried the same bull**** with my remark on "extra out of the
box" five years ago in here...that I "WANTED" one...and the same
thing on my Reply to Comments of Mikey D. on WT DOCKET 98-143
six years ago with "my WANTING an age limit on licensing."
Tsk, Jimmie complains that I "don't *read* what he wrote" and
then takes my postings so far out of context that we might as
well all be in outer space and/or the Twilight Zone.
Okay, in that spirit of misdirection in here, let me pass on
an EXACT QUOTE of Jimmie's made on 10 December 2005:
"The FCC doesn't license radio amateurs."
He presumes that the VEC does? Like so many Morsemen confuse "ARRL"
with "FCC?"
Offhand, I'd say that Jimmie "wants" amateurs to be UN-
Let's see if he can "tapdance" a few time-steps on that one?
Jim has his back in a corner. He's losing major ground on his lifetime
achievement of being an Extra, and the worst is probably just around
the corner.
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