+That's what the judge basically said and still counted it as a cell
Not exactly.
What is linked is that it is considered that tlaking on a cell phone
while driving is a distrraction. What the judge has linked to this is
talking on a CB radio is essentially the same kind of distraction.
Not if your an experienced driver it isn't. Its like rubbing your head and
patting your tummy. Some people can do it easily, others cant. Some people
would get distracted and some wouldn't as far as talking on the CB.
Thenagain the same argument can be levelled at Car radio's/cassette
recorders/CD's/passengers talking/kids in the back/Christmas lights on
houses/short skirted women on the pavement or even constantly checking your
speed limit in camera zones, are all these things going to be banned and
treated as illegal. Nah........
It should only land you in trouble if its seen to distract your driving not
that it "could". I "could" easily be a cold blooded murderer but as I
haven't killed anyone yet (as far as I know ;o) im not... but I might be.
The law is an ASS.
Regards and Merry X-mas,
_._. _... ._. ._ _.. .. _ _ _
Radio is only a Hobby. Don't let it rule your life...
73's - Graham (