Marker precision on a HB8592B (HP859xb series)
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December 13th 05, 01:48 AM posted to
Salvador Ferrairo
Posts: n/a
Marker precision on a HB8592B (HP859xb series)
Rigth, so if in doing the measurement of frecuency at 300 Mhz with a span of
500Khz I get say 299.870 my unit is OK, rigth ?
I don't see those big errors of 5 Mhz.
Any pointers to the user manualfor that unit ?
"John Miles" escribió en el mensaje
In article Wc5nf.36638$Y7.27808@trnddc02,
"Salvador Ferrairo" wrote in message
Rigth, I have seen that info, (0.01% of center freqency + 2% of
span + 5 x N MHz), but I quite don't understand it ...
If say I am measuring a 300 Mhz signal, and I have a span of say 500
- What is the precision or error that I can expect ?
Any hands on experience with that spectrum analizer, and in special
regarding frecuency marker precision, will be welcomed.
N is the 1st LO harmonic used for the front-end conversion. It is
always 1 for any frequency in the first band of coverage, so the
tolerance at 300 MHz would be +/- 5.055 MHz.
-- jm
Note: My E-mail address has been altered to avoid spam
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