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Old December 14th 05, 04:40 PM posted to
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Default Presenting D-Dimond1 antenna

Dear Dan

You are right at all your points.
I have answered to Mr Richard
and I don't want to repeat myself.

However, I can tell you that there wasn't
any preceded and detailed consideration
about certain constraints, requirements or parameters
for the present aerial in order to be used in specific applications.

The aerial was chosen somehow randomly,
just to "investigate" if this thing "plays" and
how it "plays".

However I have to confess -and actually
I am not too proud about this- that our
educational level and our minimal almost non existent
technical and practical experience
concerning telecommunication and wave propogation matters
cannot allow us to bother with such "complicated" issues.

However, we are wandering into this because:
1) we need to apply our theoritical framework and create
something which may not be very important or useful from
practical point of view but maybe will make us feel
somehow satisfied for that we created something real
2) we may like it

Finally,I suppose that it is uninteresting
for you to be concerned with this matter which hasn't
any practical application.
I will comprehend the reasons
if nobody deals with this post.

However, I will continue to give you
new results about this essay and set
new questions.

With regards

Dimitris I.