Drake Receivers
The sync works better on the B rev. I'm not sure why you would want the
E rev since it has some restrictions on the frequency range.
We did a shoot out once (multiple radios tested at the same
location/antenna.). The Drake sync doesn't work as well as the AR7030
on weak signals, otherwise it's pretty good. The sync not that big of a
deal, and used Drake R8's are half the price of the AR7030+. If you
ever operate in the field, I'd suggest the AR7030 as it is much more
compact. The Drake is big due to the number of buttons on the panel.
The 7030 uses a menus approach that reduces the number of buttons, but
some people just can't handle it.
Steve Rabinowitz wrote:
Been looking to buy a Drake receiver on Ebay, which one is the most
recommended, the R-8, R-8A, R-8B or R-8E. Thanks.