05-235 - Any new procode test arguments?
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December 15th 05, 12:55 AM posted to
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One Class of Amateur Radio License?
on Sun, Dec 11 2005 7:33 pm
From: on Dec 11, 11:03 am
From: on Dec 7, 5:28 pm
TRUE! While these super-extra morsemen are busy hurting their
shoulders by patting themselves on the back over their superiorness,
You've posted many, many words about *your* "superiorness" here,
telling us all about your Exploits In Professional Radio-Electronics.
If anybody's hurting from self-patting it's you...;-)
the number of Expirations each month is just slightly more than the
number of Newcomers (never before licensed). Not many, but it is
consistent and has been so for the last 2 1/2 years. It's not a
"statistical anomaly" anymore. Amateur radio is getting "poorer"
as a result.
Is it? How do you know, Len? And why does it matter to you?
You're not a radio amateur, and it's very unlikely you'll ever become
You don't supply the amateur radio community with any product or
service. You're only obvious involvement with amateur radio in the
past decade or two has been to spam the FCC and usenet with your
Let's check the numbers....
These are the numbers of current, unexpired
amateur radio licenses held by individuals
on the stated dates:
As of May 14, 2000:
Novice - 49,329
Technician - 205,394
Technician Plus - 128,860
General - 112,677
Advanced - 99,782
Extra - 78,750
Total Tech/TechPlus - 334,254
Total Novice/General/Advanced/Extra - 340,538
Total all classes - 674,792
As of December 13, 2005:
Novice - 26,742 [decrease of 22,587]
Technician - 274,091 [increase of 68,697]
Technician Plus - 44,221 [decrease of 84,639]
General - 134,886 [increase of 22,209]
Advanced - 74,191 [decrease of 25,591]
Extra - 107,302 [increase of 28,552]
Total Tech/TechPlus - 318,312 [decrease of 15,942]
Total Novice/General/Advanced/Extra - 343,121 [increase of 2583]
Total all classes - 661,433 [decrease of 13,359]
These totals do not include licenses
that have expired but are in the grace period.
They also do not include club, military, RACES
or other station-only licenses.
How about that - the combined Technician/Technician Plus
number dropped by almost 16,000 while the other classes
*increased* by over 2500 - even though the Novice and
Advanced are not available for new issue anymore.
Advertising revenue - the fuel that feeds the periodical fires -
has been dropping for over a decade.
Whose advertising revenue?
Two major independent
publishers had to drop out of the business.
The league wants more "keep the faith" (in the Church of St. Hiram?).
Did you send ARRL any money? I did. Not just membership
dues either.
too many hams are busy with a "Let's Pretend" fantasy (almost
palpable) about their glorious service to the nation (as radio
hobbyists) and wearing virtual uniforms (unseen by ordinary
mortals) of glory and honor in their morsemanship a vital asset
in the War Against Terrorism! [I kid you not, some comments were
made in 05-235 saying that very thing]
Your comments were a laff riot too, Len!
The "richness" is in
the tales of fantasy they generate, NOT a commodity that generates
any sort of revenue.
You've characterized amateur radio as "a HOBBY". So what does
it matter to you if "a HOBBY" "grows poorer"? Or even disappears?
He tried the same bull**** with my remark on "extra out of the
box" five years ago in here...that I "WANTED" one...and the same
thing on my Reply to Comments of Mikey D. on WT DOCKET 98-143
six years ago with "my WANTING an age limit on licensing."
You clearly wrote that you were "going for Extra". Was that a typo?
Did you mean you *weren't* going to get an amateur license?
In your comments to FCC in 1999 you wrote that an age limit of 14
should exist for any class of amateur radio license. Was that a typo
If you didn't want either thing, why did you write what you did?
Were those things typos? If so, what did you mean to write? Where
are the corrections?
Shall we look at what you actually wrote and you can explain what
you meant that we didn't understand?
btw, speaking of the age of licensees - did you see that ex-KG6IRO
is being fined $42,000 by FCC? He's 69 years old. Guess what class
of amateur radio license he held before FCC revoked it.... (Hint: it
wasn't the Amateur Extra)
Tsk, Jimmie complains that I "don't *read* what he wrote"
You don't *understand* much of it, Len.
then takes my postings so far out of context that we might as
well all be in outer space and/or the Twilight Zone.
Supply the context, then. You've had *years* to do so...
Okay, in that spirit of misdirection in here, let me pass on
an EXACT QUOTE of Jimmie's made on 10 December 2005:
"The FCC doesn't license radio amateurs."
That was a typo, Len. A mistake. I wrote "FCC" when I meant to write
He presumes that the VEC does? Like so many Morsemen confuse "ARRL"
with "FCC?"
Jimmie just said "major typo alert!"
He acknowledged a MAJOR mistake in posting as a "typographical
error" but that is apparently okay for him to do.
"MAJOR" mistake? How so?
It's not okay
for any of us to do it...if we do it, we get reminders of it for
the next five years, negative critique, accusations of "not
following up on 'promises,'" the whole magilla. :-)
Well, Len, that was a typo I made.
I wrote "FCC" when I meant to write "FAA". My bad - just a mistake.
Know why it sticks out so much? Because it's so unusual!
Now, about typos....
Was it a typo when you told K8MN to 'shut the hell up, you little USMC
feldwebel' ?
Was it a typo when you wrote, almost 6 years ago, that you were going
for Extra right out of the box?
Was it a typo when you lectured a US Coast Guard radio operator on his
military service as a radio operator in the classic "sphincters post"?
Was it a typo when you wrote that all amateurs with
licenses could legally operate their amateur radio stations?
Was it a typo when you accused the ARRL and some VEs of 'very mild
fraud' because of the licensing of some young children? (You never
presented any evidence of fraud other than the ages of the children)
Was it a typo when you twice accused a developer/contractor in your
area of 'payola' to the zoning commission - and the commission
accepting it?
Were all those things typos, Len? I don't see any corrections to them.
I corrected my FAA typo.
He's losing major ground on his lifetime
achievement of being an Extra, and the worst is probably just around
the corner.
Good heavens, I've much bigger achievements than the Amateur Extra
license. It's just the one you two like to pick on - because you don't
have such a license.....
Not to worry. He will rationalize the "worst" somehow, probably
based on "what the FCC did 37 years ago" or his getting a license
at age 14 or getting a college degree without having a car or
being a "manufacturer of amateur radio equipment" in the 1990s
using recycled vacuum tube technology.
Actually I was licensed at age 13, Len ;-). And I did get the degree
in the way described.
Was it wrong of me to take advantage of that
educational opportunity?
Am I not supposed to write about it?
Whatever he's done is
guaranteed to be "better" than what anyone else has done, whether
avocationally or occupationally.
Why no, Len, I don't claim that everything I've done is "better".
*your* game!
I've done some things you haven't. And you've done some things I
I'm better at some things than you are. And you're probably
better at some things than I am.
See how simple that is?
What's so predictable about your response is that you'll jump all over
a typo rather than discuss the actual arguments, facts and opinions
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