Presenting D-Dimond1 antenna
"Dimitris" wrote in news:1134575594.448347.204420
Mr Dave
Can you mention the process that you followed
(programs that you used, in what frequency, wire's radius,
value for the conductivity etc)
in order to make this analysis?
I am surpised that you've found this value
for the input impedance, which is so different
from the one I calculated.
Finally, can you explain what you mean by
finding 93.1% resonance of the antenna?
I modelled it in MMANA (I said poor tools, remember), using the standard
..8mm wires and free space (no ground).
Then I moved the frequency and recalculated the pattern and impedance
until it became resistive at the terminals. That happened at a frequency
93.1% of what the full quarter-wave frequency would have been. And at
that frequency, the impedance was a resistive 75 ohms. In other words,
it resonates lower than the design frequency (hence the lower
I started with 900mhz and ended up with 837.9, if I remember. I didn't
save it.
Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667