Actually, using the passband shift is essential to the operation of the
7030. Well whatever, I'm not going to get involved in these
discussions where people defend their hardware as they never end. We
did the shootout and the conclusions were pretty clear.
Incidentally, it was the 7030+NB, not that it should make a difference.
John Plimmer wrote:
You must have been testing the R8 or R8A against the 7030.
The R8B's sync detector is the best available outside of a Sherwood and it's
performance and flexibility is simply superb.
It will lock onto a deep fade like a bulldog to a burglar and NEVER looses
lock or growls.
It will even lock onto the signal if it is offset by the passband control,
something the 7030 can't do.
I had the opportunity to put the Drake alongside the 7030 for over a month.
See my article at:
John Plimmer, Montagu, Western Cape Province, South Africa
South 33 d 47 m 32 s, East 20 d 07 m 32 s
RX Icom IC-756 PRO III with MW mods
Drake SW8 & ERGO software
Sony 7600D GE SRIII
BW XCR 30, Braun T1000, Sangean 818 & 803A.
GE circa 50's radiogram
Antenna's RF Systems DX 1 Pro, Datong AD-270
Kiwa MW Loop
wrote in message
The 7030 sync is a bit more versitile that that on the R8B. You can
even do DSB reception, or any mixture of LSB and USB. It's hard to
explain unless you have used one. However, the Drake gives you more
bang for the buck, especially with the weak dollar.
We did the test during the day, which is pretty difficult for
shortwave. The nice thing about the 7030 sync is it never growled
during extreme fading.
In my experience the R8B's sync detector is a definite step up from
that of the 7030+, even though the latter is very good. I think the
R8B's sync detector is probably the best one available in a consumer
grade receiver. Others may see it differently, but there's my two
cents. I do like the way you have both automatic and manual settings
for the sync on the 7030+, and it's neat to watch the receiver retune
itself with the sync detector auto mode. Still, if we're only talking
about the ability to make weak, messy signals intelligible, the R8B