Wes Stewart wrote:
Furthermore, my wife and rarely watch anything live (except for local
news), but use two DVRs for time shifting and commercial elimination.
So with my system, if I can get a picture at all, I would need three
STBs (set top boxes) that are programmable or a couple of new digital
recorders and a new TV set.
Odds are you'll need the STB for each PVR, not TV. PVR's are basically a
VCR with a computer instead of a video slot, same limitations apply with
the signal you feed it. The video coming out of the PVR isn't going to
change magically overnight, though.
(If I was poor enough, my idiot government would buy this stuff for me,
but instead, I believe I will be taxed to buy it for someone else.)
Show me where I can sign up for a free TV from the government...
And then they are changing the aspect ratio so my 35" screen is
obsolete and any replacement would have a smaller screen if I want to
keep it in my $7,000 piece of furniture.
Actually, they're fixing the aspect ratio. 16:9 would allow most movies to
run without having to be butchered by some trained monkey that thinks
they're a pan and scan editor to fit the screen, or black bars to bring the
aspect ratio back to the original film ratio as it was intended to be
4:3 aspect was a technical limitation that really should have died long
before my birth, much less now. Good riddance.
Paul Johnson
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