On 13 Dec 2005 09:25:02 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Jimmie just said "major typo alert!"
He acknowledged a MAJOR mistake in posting as a "typographical
error" but that is apparently okay for him to do. It's not okay
for any of us to do it...if we do it, we get reminders of it for
the next five years, negative critique, accusations of "not
following up on 'promises,'" the whole magilla.
The fact of the matter is, Lennie, that more often than not, you
either refuse to admit your errors, or even worse, defend them with
lengthy, windy pontifications intended to obfuscate them.
Jim's character doesn't seem to permit him to act that way.
I see you're still using diminutives that aren't directed at you.
Of course your sock puppet does nothing to suggest otherwise to you,
yet presumes to chastise others for not engaging in such conduct.
What's that term you're always using...."double standard"...?!?!
why are you obsessed with dimutives stevie clearly you are dumb enough
to think being called stevie is worse than being called a pedophile
(you have said this more or less for months
Seems you NCTA "guys" have more than your fair share! (as if
there was any doubt.....)
Steve, K4YZ
everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name
he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable
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