How can I get Radio Shack Catalog??
On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:21:36 GMT, Bob Miller
On Mon, 5 Dec 2005 16:26:37 -1000, Joseph Fenn wrote:
After getting my long lost radio shack charge card renewed I now find
out that Radio Shack no longer has Catalogs available. What a shame!!!
Well, my last RS catalog is dated 2000. They don't have much ham gear
in the store, anyhow. And as far as the little stuff goes, connectors,
wire, etc., just go online to the RS site, and use their search
engine. Then, upon entering your zip code, you can get the stores
nearest you stocking the item.
By the way, if you go to the Mouser site, you can order their latest
1600 page catalog for free, for electronics parts esoterica...
My last catalog is a 2002, and that was the end. I agree on the
Mouser catalog. The only problem with Mouser is that they send one
every 3 months, and they are huge! To get rid of them I take the last
one to the radio club meeting. They get taken immediately.