Frankie of Silliland: A Coward Who Lied To And Stole From His Country Lectures About "Integrity"
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December 18th 05, 06:11 PM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
i wiosh i understoof why my asshole hubby does this ****
On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 07:49:16 -0700, Frank Gilliland
For once Dudly is right. There were no appeals and both convictions
stand. The vindication of my second infraction was the result of a
seperate entry made as the result of a review that I requested after
my discharge. The violation leading to the conviction was found to
have "mitigating circumstances that should have been considered [by
the presiding officer] but were not," and that I "was denied evidence,
and the opportunity to gather and present certain evidence" relevant
to my defense. The conviction was not overturned (since it was not an
appeal) but my conduct marks were adjusted accordingly, and my
discharge upgraded to Honorable.
well thanks for clearing it up Id say it was an appeal of sorts but
then try not to quible when I can
You'd say it was an appeal, except that it wasn't and you "quible"
whenever you can.
so your thought run pretty close to mine if not in the same mold
interesting as I suspect we are rather different but we share the
noton that at least when lie under our tombstones an eitaff can read
"well at least we lived out lives"
You'd like on top of, beside or under your tombstone. Love your
"eitaff". That's about as mediocre as it gets. Maybe you could use
"Well, at least he wasn't Richard Simmons".
Dave K8MN
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