Thread: ebooks
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Old December 18th 05, 08:06 PM posted to,,
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Default ebooks (now in other group)

Eric Ferguson wrote:

Hello Eric,

Good story and nice to hear your kind words,

At this moment i am posting your request for :

AR8000 (2 manuals)

The other ones i have to dig true my collection, will try
to find them and post them later.
Should i forget please send me a reminder as i am beeing
showered with requests at this moment.

Your manuals are in alt.binaries.e-books.flood with the
prefix : Radio Manuals REQUESTED (by Eric)

Merry Xmas


Hey Jay,

Again THANKS for the uploads you have done!!!! I've downloaded three
so far. As to requests....Do you have service manuals as well?

BTW, one of the downloads was for the Sony 7600D. I bought that radio
at a second hand store, 'bout 10 years ago for "$9.99 as is". (That
was actually written on the freq readout in grease pencil.) Threw in
all 6 AA's and it worked perfectly. Sort of learned most of it by
experimentation and common sense. But you upload of the manual taught
me a few new tricks for the 'D.

As a request, the Yaesu VR-500, AOR-8000, and Radio Shacks Pro-95,
and for a friend the Pro-94, as well as the Pro-2042 and Pro-2006.
Both owners and service if possible. THANKS again!!!
