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Old December 18th 05, 11:00 PM posted to
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Default Reasonable and unique, was One Class of Amateur Radio License?

From: on Dec 18, 10:54 am

Dave Heil wrote:
From: on Thurs, Dec 15 2005 4:14 am
From: on Dec 13, 7:32 pm
From: on Dec 7, 5:28 pm
From: Bill Sohl on Dec 6, 6:11 am
wrote in message

[getting to be a long thread...:-)]

The starting path under discussion was the path to an amateur radio
license. You haven't taken the first step on that path.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single
step"...some ancient Chinese proverb, I suppose.

Lao Tzu.

Any relation to Zack Lao?

...about as much as "Ed Hair." :-)

I found some Chinese proverbs which seem quite fitting to your role he

"A crane is too obvious when it stands among a flock of chickens and
looks very awkward. It is also true with a camel amidst a flock of sheep
and a flea when it stands on top of a hairless head. They all carry a
pejoritary tone: the thing that outstands others is something awkward if
not necessarily bad."

You are the crane, the camel or the flea.

You are the chicken, the sheep or the hairless head?

Depends on which Chinese restaurant he went to and what
fortune cookie he opened.

"There is an argument between a bird who stopped to drank at a well and
a frog therein. They were arguing about how the sky looked like.
Regarding where they were, they each had a different view. The frog's
vision was of course very limited. Therefore, this proverb refers to
somebody who has a very narrow-minded and insulated view of what they
see or what they think."

You are the frog.

The frog gives the bird.

I hope Davie enjoys eating the bird.

I obtained a COMMERCIAL radio operator license 49 years ago.
First Class, one test, no repeats necessary.

Yeah? So?

One exam to run a 100,000 watt transmitter? What would Jim say?

Jimmie will no doubt say something making little sense...:-)

WHY was it "required" that I obtain an amateur license?

Who ever told you that it was?

It isn't, but the way you and Jim needle Len about getting one...

Not good, Brian. They will DEMAND we all "produce the proof
that they ever wrote something remotely like that"...even
though they did.

Was it necessary to punish amateurs?

Who was "punished"?

You tell us. You are the one into the dominatrix role.

No, *you* need to tell us. You wrote of amateur radio ops being
punished over incentive licensing. Back up your claim.

I asked about amateurs being punished. Jim said he lost privileges.
He was no longer in the privileged class.

Davie gets very confused when confronted, becomes hostile and
accuses everyone of perfidy. :-)

Lots of us radio pros without amateur licenses just didn't bother
to get an amateur license...not necessarily as a result of
"changes of 1968 or 1969."

That's fine, Len. Nobody says you have to get ana amateur radio

"Ana amateur radio license?"

Ah, but YOU already said I had some kind of moral imperative
to get an amateur radio license. Hypocrite.

No one has told you anything of the kind. That's another of your
factual errors.

Then we will hear no more from you and Jim about Len not having one,

Ho, ho, ho! Do NOT bet on that! :-)

But it does seem a bit odd that you're expending so much
time and energy on the requirements for a license you aren't
going to get...

"Not going to get?" Who said that...besides YOU?

Why, *you* said it.

Why did he say it?

Davie needs to go into Google search and find the EXACT quote
in the EXACT CONTEXT to "prove" his accusations. :-)

I'm just wanting the morse code test for an amateur radio
license eliminated.

That's at least the third version you've told here. Previously, you've
waffled between the other two--that you were going to get the "Extra
right out of the box or that you weren't going to obtain an amateur
radio license.

Can't a person want more than one thing? Is Dave putting limits on
what people can want?

Davie seems to be DICTATING everything about everyone else.
Sort of an amateur Pat Robertson or Oral Roberts?

I keep telling him his jackboots are on too tight and his
monocle is in the wrong eye, but Davie never listens...he
just keeps giving Kommands in his best Prussian manner.

Why are YOU "spending so much time and energy" trying to
throw **** on all of those desiring that test element 1

Doing what?

That voodoo that you do.

Davie loves throwing **** on people who disagree with him. :-)

What are you afraid of? Loss of your personal status,
title, and privileges?

What are you afraid of, Len? That radio amateurs won't show you the
respect which you feel is your due?

That has certainly been the case on rrap.

? Heh heh heh...if I was "afraid" of anything, I would have
ceased accessing this morseblog long ago. :-)

That you won't get into amateur
radio before you're past your expiration date?

Len has an expiration date? What is it?

It isn't imprinted on my hide in purple ink of the FDA...such as
hams are marked. :-)

What the heck, I'd already started
15 and 14 years before in HF comms where the operating
environment was a HELLUVA LOT TOUGHER on all concerned than any
amateur activity.

How was it "a HELLUVA LOT TOUGHER", Len? I saw your "My 3 Years" thing.

The amateur radio service does not require its licensees to
wage war and kill the enemy.

Did you wage war or kill an enemy?

He put himself in the pool of combattants. After that he followed

That's just the way it was...

The military "field days" were not little outings in a park
once a year.

Did you ever participate in a military "field day"?

He put himself in the pool of combattants. After that he followed

That's just the way it was...

Amateur radio doesn't operate in an environment of high
explosive ordinance going off nearby.

Did you operate in an environment of high explosive ordinance going off

He put himself in the pool of combattants. After that he followed

Actually I did, but that's just the way it was...

What did Jim do? Did he excuse himelf? Was he unfit to serve?

Jimmie got Mother Superior to send a note to the DoD to
excuse him?

And why all the comparisons? You seem to feel a need to prove that you
had it "TOUGHER" than anybody else.....

To use a quaint and traditional military phrase, "****in-A!"

Then I suppose you're disappointed that you're efforts toward proving it
have fallen a little short.

One hundred seventy five miles uphill both ways to the FCC examiners
office. In the snow.

Jimmie is one of those Monty Python sissies who think that
manly outbursts are "just horrid!"

Yes, sweetums, I - and every other military person - had it
TOUGHER than you civilians safe at home.

Really? How tough was the rear area life in Japan, Len? I don't recall
my military service as having been very TOUGH.

Must have been why you got out so quickly.

Davie FOUGHT THE ENEMY IN SE ASIA with his trusty USAF MARS rig?

What's with your schtick here, Leonard? Your posts seem to indicate
that you believe that all MUST agree with YOUR opinions.

It would be nice that once someone rejects an opinion that they say

Saying that Len doesn't hold an amateur license is not a good reason
to reject Len's opinions wrt the ARS.

Brian, give Davie some slack. That's about all he can come up
with...personal insults and depredations.

Yes there is. License test regulations REQUIRE a code test for
any class having below-30-MHz operation privileges...BUT...the
FCC does not mandate all amateur USING morse code modes over
and above any other mode. All are optional.

Well now! Yessir, that presents a real dilemma, doesn't it. You should
be able to suck it up. After all, your military service was way TOUGHER
than this easy civilian stuff.

The regulations don't even define Morse Code let alone Farnsworth Code,
but the FCC can deny a license based upon an exam it can't define.

True enough, Brian, but notice how Davie handles my statement.

I repeated the long-term fact of the FCC *NOT* mandating code
use over and above any other mode, yet retaining the license
test for morse code even though all allocated modes are optional.

That in itself would be sufficient cause to either eliminate the
morse code test or make all amateur licensees use morse code
over and above any other mode.

Davie just said "suck it up."

Rather than discuss law and regulations, he just goes for the
personal denigrations schtick. Standard Heil procedure.

Can't answer the questions, eh?

Jimmie, you present NO valid questions. Ergo, no valid answers

The questions were valid enough. You just didn't answer them.

Why don't you answer them, Dave?

He can't.

Your tales precede your manufacturer of the term "Dudly the Imposter" by
quite some time.



"Dudley" was the pseudonym of the character described by writer
Ernest K. Gann in his autobiographical book "Fate is the Hunter."
The parallels to the one using "K4YZ" are so remarkably similar
that I just changed "Dudley" to "Dudly." Imposters are imposters.

That's just the way it is...

That's funny. Jim knows what I've done in professional communications
and I've seen no indication that he has ever become upset over it. Then
again, I've never made it seem that what I did professionally carried
any weight in amateur radio.

Your "career" was your DXpedition meal ticket.

Especially as the ONLY amateur radio licensee in the big nation
of Guinea-Bisseau. :-)

For example, I think the ARRL made a big mistake not letting WK3C run for
Director of the Atlantic Division. That's *my* division, btw...

Is your Division mobilized and ready to ship out to fight
the War on Terror? Bon voyage.

Maybe they can just show up on r.r.a.p, read your posts and begin waging
the War on Error.

Yes, especially against the one who, on December 10, wrote:

"FCC doesn't license radio amateurs."

Irrelevant to RADIO REGULATIONS. Local zoning laws have NOTHING
to do with federal radio regulations. Give it up.

Did you miss seeing the parallel to your actions in regard to amateur
radio? It was quite evident.

Amateur radio regulations are a subset of "RADIO REGULATIONS."

NOT about local city zoning ordinances.

Or someone who tells a US Navy veteran to shove something up his I/O

One military veteran can tell another military veteran lots
of things. Brakob, Burke, and myself are all military
veterans. YOU have NEVER been an military veteran.

I'm a military veteran. You've told me lots of things. I take offense
to some of them.


Brian, the difference between you and Heil is that Heil is OFFENSIVE
to just about everyone, regardless of his "veteranism." :-)

Maybe that is just Delayed Stress Syndrome as a result of all that
"in-country" fighting with MARS rigs? Any lessons of "diplomacy"
learned in all that Department of State service seem to have
evaporated. Or being away from the USA in all that "foreign
service" did something else? Difficult to ascertain.

Happy Christmas