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Old December 19th 05, 02:46 AM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default Reasonable and unique, was One Class of Amateur Radio License?

From: Dave Heil on Dec 18, 8:51 am

From: on Dec 14, 6:22 pm
Dave Heil wrote:
From: on Tues, Dec 13 2005 4:32 pm

Jim has tatoos?
I was imagining his performances in here to be the equivalent of
James Mitchum's creepy "preacher" in an old, scary black-and-white
film released in the 1950s.

Robert Mitchum. 1954. Night of the Hunter from the novel by Davis Grubb.
The author was from up the road in Moundsville. The story is set in
this area.

Hmmmm...that explains a lot about Davie Heil's character...:-)

How so? Neither Robert Mitchum nor the character he played came from
this area. I wasn't in the movie.

Tsk, the way you ACT in here wouldn't get you to the
"beginners" entry line to either SAG or SEG. :-)

So? When have I aspired to appear in movies? What are you going on
about, Leonard?

You couldn't even pass for an A-1 Sauce dish at the caterer's
table on a set, let alone as an "A-1 Op" in the movies. :-)

Dish? I've only seen the sauce in bottles. Have there been significant
A-1 Op movie parts in the past?

It might to you, but then again, you got the original story wrong too.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, if you want to do rec.movies.critique.negative
go to the appropriate newsgroup.

How about this instead: If you bring something up, make sure it is
something you know about rather than foisting off your factual errors as

The book's author, Davis Grubb had a hard time with reality.

PCTAs have a hard time with reality also... :-)

I'm certain that it appears that way to you.

In one
interview, he said that he could remember that whenever an execution
took place at the prison in Moundsville, the lights all over town would

No doubt the electricity was wired in by an "A-1 Operator."

Operators wire for electricity? That doesn't make sense. The point was
that they weren't using electricity.

That would have been something since, when Grubb was living in
Moundsville, executions were by hanging. Electrocution wasn't begun
until the 1950's.

Difficulty in carrying out Ohm's Law? :-)

No, trouble adjusting their shorts. :-) :-)

Slow going through the CIRCUIT Court of Appeals? :-)

Not really, if the judge said a guy was hung, he really was hung. :-) :-)

Did they ever catch him, or is he still running around the hills of

Was he a ham preacher?

He is apparently of the undead, this time inhabiting the corpus
of a corpulent K8 ham?

You've really not watched the movie in some time.

Tsk, I just asked a question.

No, actually you didn't.

True, I don't make it a habit to watch creepy black-and-white
movies about deranged characters.

One misses a lot of good movies that way.

It is much easier to access RRAP and watch all the creepy
black-and-white PCTAs pontificate, postulate, and pustulate
all over everyone else. PCTAs are as deranged as could be.

Judging from your paragraph above, you're watching your very own movie.

Another of Grubb's
books was turned into a movie called "Fool's Parade" with James Stewart,
George Kennedy and Kurt Russell.

No doubt you have a well-thumbed Leonard Maltin movie guidebook
from which to draw your wealth of old motion picture factoids.

No, I was actually here on leave while in the Air Force. I saw portions
of the film shot and took some great photos of the cast, in and out of

I have the film and also have "Night of the Hunter" along with those
books and several more by Grubb.

Somehow that doesn't qualify you as an "A-1 Op" in a cinema.

I don't operate a cinema.

It was shot on location in Moundsville and Marshall County in 1970.

Did that factoid make it into Variety or Hollywood Reporter? :-)

I'm sure that it did.

Was it in QST?

Why should it have been.

You'd have been a natural "Fool's Parade" extra.

No. I don't have a SEG membership. Wanna see my AFTRA card?

Not particularly.

"Corp diem?"


Tsk, tsk, a blank-and-white literalist. Colorless.

I was making a Play on Words between Latin and English. Since
you only claim expertise on Hunnish, you couldn't understand it.

I understood your attempt. You used the wrong word. The word I
provided would have fit perfectly with your use of "corpulent". The
term you used didn't fit at all. If it was worth doing, it was worth
doing right.

You didn't understand the Latin oxymoron "primus inter pares"...

I didn't? When did you use it? I studied Latin for only two years and
would likely find that phrase entirely too difficult.

(You aren't my equal though) it is useless to get you to unbend your dictatorial
Prussian persistence in puling orders.

What's a puling order?

Don't you get anything right?

I'm not an unbending blank-and-white ultra-conservative

No, you aren't a rightist and you aren't the rightest. In fact, you're
pretty unbending about the regs in amateur radio, in which you are not
even a participant.

Reality requires recognizing shades of gray and
being liberal towards others. You fail there.

Your current views as regards amateur radio exhibit no shades of gray
whatever. Go figure!

Corporations have paid me real money to "get things right" and
I have, consistently.

At least that's your story and you're sticking to it. You're the only
guy who has ever been 1) paid real money by a corporation 2) to get
things right. Okie-doke, Len.

Since you see things only by your
dictatorial blank-and-white Prussian puerility, there is no
point in trying to discuss any matter with you.

....and yet you persist.

I'm sure you would give both Ebert and Roeper a "thumbs down"
when it comes to movie reviews.

I don't go to much by what movie reviewers write. If I like it, that's
what counts to me. Reviewers may praise a film to the stars, but if I
see it and think it was a waste of my money, it's a clinker.

However, THAT doesn't make
you an "A-1 Op."

No, being a good amateur radio op can make you an A-1 Op.

Doesn't even make you good for A-1 Sauce.

In a dish?

Dave K8MN