Reasonable and unique, was One Class of Amateur Radio License?
"KØHB" wrote in message
There's also the story of "The Ghost of Guam".
The "Ghost of Guam" was US Navy Radioman 1st Class George Tweed. He
wasn't a ham. Was reputed to be laid up drunk in a house of horizontal
refreshment when the Navy evacuated the island just ahead of the WW-II JA
invasion so he missed his ride. Had to hide out in the jungle for a few
years until the USN came back. In the book/movie "No Man is an Island" he
comes off as a hero, but was in fact not popular with the locals, several
of whom (including a native RC Priest) lost their lives for not revealing
his whereabouts. After the war he skedaddled without so much as a
73, de Hans, K0HB
He was at the Legion Christmas party and personally thanked you
and everyone else.