Identify Old HF Vertical
On 18 Dec 2005 16:01:35 -0800, "
Doesn't appear to be any way to mount it on a mast/tower. Nor any signs
of being mounted. I guess I would see if the nut on the UHF connector
can be removed and the galvanized steel washer removed. That would let
you peer into the thing and see what is there. May not even be a coil
in there.
I am surprised you waited tis long to dismantle it!
Paul, KD7HB
It has a light but sturdy bracket that I have already removed. It is
pretty rusty but I believe i will clean up well.
I have a lot of projects around here that have been waiting a lot of
years. Some of them have found new homes.
John Ferrell W8CCW
John Ferrell W8CCW