Thread: AM to FM?
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Old December 20th 05, 02:01 AM posted to
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Default AM to FM?

" bravely wrote to "All" (19 Dec 05 13:23:27)
--- on the heady topic of " AM to FM?"

pa From:
pa Xref: core-easynews

pa When you say "keeping it to one station"... do you mean the AM or the
pa FM?... I want to be able to change the AM, but if I have to keep the
pa Blaupunkt at one frequency to receive the signal from the converter, I
pa wouldn't mind at all.

There used to be all transistor converters like that back when. Now
that I think of it there might even be one in the garage here. I'm not
sure though, but the last time I was clearing room for the car I
vaguely recall coming across such an FM converter on a shelf. Would it
be something you might want if it works?


.... I can't remember the last time I forgot something.