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Old December 19th 05, 11:55 PM posted to
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Default KAITO 1103 question

"John S." wrote

Eton radios are nothing more than rebadged Degen and Tecsun receivers.
So if they wanted to eliminate any potential competition from Eton all
they have to do is stop supplying them!

Why would they do that? The Communist Party isn't as stupid as you beleive.
They will be happy to build sets that you sell for $140 while they sell
their version
domestically and over the internet at a fraction of the price, at a loss
mind you.
This is done with many products in China to keep the branding company off
its turf. It makes money manufacturing for foreigners and sells the same
domestically at a loss.

In a few years you will begin to see Chinese branded products marketed
by Communist Party owned enterprises here in the U.S. They will bypass
your western marketing companies and sell direct to you at a cheaper
price than anyone. Even Wal-Mart. The Communist Party recently sponsored
and held a trade show in New York for just such a purpose.

Sony is the last of the significant manufacturers to bail out of the
shortwave receiver market. The market for shortwave radios was never
large, and it has shrunk to a tiny fraction as we all know.

There are at least 3,000,000,000 people living within China and India alone.
Few if any have given up their shortwave radios. It is simply your narrow
western veiw of the shortwave market that clouds your mind.

If a chinese SWLer wanted an Eton product they would just have to buy a
Tecsun or Degen. I'm at a loss as to why a chinese national would want
to pay the inflated Eton prices.

They don't have to like you say. They buy the domestic version cheaper
than the price of your dinner.

Not many Sony shortwave radios to be found in chine bcause they are not
making any.


And because China hasn't opened it's market to outside

D'oh! That's a revelation?

Not unlike Japan and the good old USA with their import

Import duties on Eton, Sony, Tecsun, Kaito, Degen Kochibo... radios?
I think your lieing.

Still, I've seen more than one chinese SWL's website with
extensive collections of radios that include several old Sony and
Panasonic radios as well as numerous chinese brands.

Re-read what I posted. But you go to China and try to amass the same
collection and see how many years it takes on an average salary of $400 a

I'm completely missing your point here. You seem to be trying to prove
some sort of chinese conspiracy....

Your completely niave and ignorant of Chinese business practices.
For that reason they would love to be your partner.

Be careful on what you spend your hard earned money.

For sure. That's why the Degen DE1103 from a chinese seller is such a
great buy!

It's a great buy because they are dumping a product assembled by slave
If it continues you will soon be able to buy ONLY Chinese radios. At which
time they may decide to limit the tuning to only a select few of CRI