The Eternal Squire wrote:
I'm finally back on the air! Thanks for the antenna help, everyone. I
found on the net a 30m collapsible fiberglass pole. I applied copper
tape to one side as the radiator. I used layers of duct tape to
reinforce every joint. I have the ground side tied to the ground rod
of the trailer electrical system. No counterpoise yet. I worked a few
stations tonight on 40m CW.
Glad to hear it - you're on the way now.
Next, put an ATU at the bottom of the pole and give yourself some more
bands. It doesn't have to be an auto-ATU - a small headband flashlight
is much better value.
Then get some more wire on the ground, and you'll be surprised how 40
and even 80m perk up.
I am grateful for all the help, even to those who thought I wasn't
listening at first.
Your sense of what can and can't be done has been spun completely
around, first by the wind and then (probably less gently) by this NG.
You seem to have survived the experience rather well.
73 from Ian GM3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)