wrote yet another diatribe belittling others:
From: on Sun, Dec 18 2005 11:01 am
Can you cite specific things that are different in the two histories?
Oh, YES, I can. But that takes time to write about 100,000
words or more. Write up a contract on that book and send
me an offer. I'll ask a minimum of $75,000 advance on the
compensation for my time and effort just to start.
Oh? 100K words is hard for you?
According to what you've dumped in RRAP, I'd say you've wasted
millions of dollars in contract options, Lennie.
There were "other groups" back in the 1940s, Len.
You didn't exist in the 1940s, Jimmie.
You barely did, Lennie...Go ahead...Re-tell the tale of your
assessment of Civil Defense communications in WW2...You were...EIGHT?
(Gee...what a coincidence! That's the age Markie was when he was
"drafted"... ! ! ! )
Amateur radio is basically a HOBBY.
But that's not all it is, Len. Grow up and accept that shouting the
same old tired lines doesn't convince anyone.
Hello? See the word "basically" in my quoted sentence?
Yes. So what?
Amateur radio is BASICALLY a hobby, Jimmie.
No, it's not "bascially" a hobby, Lennie!
It's just a HOBBY, Jimmie.
Again the opinion of one who has no practical experience from
which to MAKE an INFORMED opinion.
Tsk. Jimmie, you just don't understand how the military works.
I understand well enough, Len.
You aren't ANYWHERE close, Jimmie.
Everyone in the military puts their LIFE on the line, 24/7, as
long as they are in.
No, they don't.
Not at all. But radio amateurs sometimes build their equipment from
the most basic parts - including sheet metal work. You wouldn't know
about that since you've never done it.
INCORRECT. I've built equipment "from scratch." INCLUDING
the "sheet metal work."
Where? When? So far, your only "station" assets that you've owned
up to are an old Icom and a scanner to listen to LAX ATIS on.
Seems that despite all the alleged background in electronics and
computer technology, you can't seem to make one picture of your
"station" appear on any one of the FREE AOL home pages that your
AOL account allows.
Jimmie, YOU don't understand that every other radio service
does NOT define either "station" or "operating" by amateur
radio "rules."
Which means your example isn't valid, Len.
Plainly and simply WRONG, Jimmie. YOU aren't valid in this
alleged "discussion."
Just the other way around, Lennie.
YOU aren't valid in this forum. Thoise OTHER radio services are
NOT the focus of this forum.
Do you think policemen carrying neat little two-way radios
subscribe to QST?
Some of them do.
Prove it. Supply their names.
Hal, K2HAL, for one. Carries a Motorola HT on the "job".
I just disregarded any
NEED to learn morse code since I was never, ever
required to use it in the military or in the much longer
civilian life career I still have.
In other words, since there was no money in it for you...
No NEED, Jimmie. Can't you get anything straight?
Uh huh...No NEED for you to do something that didn't net you an
We get it "straight" just fine.
I've only listened to the predecessor of the Condor Net in
Newbury Park, CA, demonstrated by one of the ham-licensed
employees there. At Teledyne Electronics, my employer
during the late 70s. It was the first state-long network
to use all tone switching for routing without using any
microprocessor control.
Gosh, you *listened*! I've done a lot more than that!
When were you on the Condor Network? Give us the year you
operated on it. Describe it.
Hmmmmm....On which tour to SoCal...?!?! On which band?
Also operated the ZIA net for several years when in-and-out of the
And Lennie...."operating" on the Condor net only required TWO
things (neither of which you have...) A valid Amateur Radio license
and an appropriate transceiver.
Heck, Lennie...We MIGHT even be able to teach YOU how to "operate"
Residences are for LIVING in, Jimmie. It is HOME.
SO why shouldn't it change?
This newsgroup/morseblog isn't about zoning ordinances or real
estate, Jimmie. Nor is it about trailer living...wherein
trailers can be towed someplace else for "change."
Ahhhhhh...but YOU have gone on-and-on about zoning ordinances and
real estate for DAYS now, Lennie...Why the change of heart?
I've lived at this same residental address for 42 years,
Jimmie. Some of my neighbors have lived in their for
longer. Why should we "change?" Especially for some
easterner who doesn't know the territory, doesn't know
the neighborhood, doesn't know any neighbors, doesn't do
anything but try to make trouble for those who have
opinions on amateur radio testing other than his?
And despite those 42 years, it really sucks that anyone who might
buy a property and pay the required taxes TODAY would have EXACTLY the
same voice in making CHANGES to those zoning laws...Huh Lennie...?!?!
And Lennie...Do I see YOU arguing against CHANGE just because
you've been doing the same thing for 42 years...?!?!?
Are you the SAME Leonard H. Anderson in RRAP that ALWAYS tries to
dismiss as luddites any Amatuer that even remotely suggests an affinity
for previously established rules and regulations...?!?!
Naaaaaaaaaaahhhhh....YOU wouldn't be THAT two-faced, now WOULD
Now it's clear. You weren't top of the form in Morse Code, so the
code must be a bad thing....
Plainly and simply inaccurate and plainly and simply just your
personal insult mode trying vainly to masquerade as "civil"
discussion. The mask is quite transparent. We can all see
through it. Take it off, it will be more comfortable for you.
Coming from the putz who has been calling Jim by a whole plethora
of diminutives for years....
Jimmie, TRY to understand the 53 years ago morse code was NOT
the ultimate skill in radio operation on communications
That grammar is slipping, Lennie.
Remember...Typos = Angry.
You made the rule.
You're not getting ANGRY, are you...?!?!
I've just never had to USE any radiotelegraphy skills nor
wired telegraphy skills for ANY REASON...and I was DOING
long-distance HF communications before your existance.
No...You were a rear-area radio mechanic before Jim's exstance.
You may have caused some RF to be radiated in the process of repairing
or "tuning up" the transmitters, but you were never an HF radio
operator (save for your CB license...)
If you wish to build up your atrocious EGO and say everyone
is (or even should be) "jealous" of your telegraphy skill,
then you are a deluded person who is troubled and needs some
mental therapy to better get along with others...and that's
the way THAT is...
Ahhhh YES, it IS the same Leonard H. Anderson! Same suggestions
of mental defect coming from a guy who has DEMONSTRATED mental
Steve, K4YZ