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Old December 20th 05, 07:37 AM posted to,,,
an old friend
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Default stevie ****

Who said I was Roger? wrote:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Who said anything about a fine, Roger?

Who said I was Roger, dumbass? You see him behind every post, dumbass.

We know Riley didn't fine you.

Last time I checked, I wasn't Roger, either. Looks like you ****ed up
as usual.

He merely warned you in writing about malicious interference and mandated

'invited') that you retest.

But no reason was given why Wiseman had to retest, stupid. Learn to
To show reason, "Not Roger", read below. (taken from a Hollingsworth letter
to you)

No, that is taken from the ARRL press release in the enforcement
letters news section.

"citing evidence that the licensee had been "deliberately and maliciously
interfering with the radio operations of other licensed amateurs" on 20
meters. "This interference has occurred at...."

Yet the actual retest letter that has been posted many times gives no
reason. You lose, ****nuts.

Color it what you will Woger, but a pig in the poke is still a pig.

You should know, FATASSED pig. And, quit sucking so many cocks, your
lisp is showing.

Learn to read, Pig.

Learn to read an actual letter from the FCC versus one from the ARRL
news section's take on the subject, dumbass!