"charlesb" wrote
The digital voice/data modem for HF looks interesting, but I immediately
wondered where the digital voice activity would fit in the bandplan.
The bands are divided into "Voice" and "Digital" segments... Hmmmmm!
That's not very much help on figuring out where the digital voice
transmissions should go.
The modem can do both voice and data. The best place to use it would be
in band where both modes are authorized. When using the voice mode you
really should be in a voice segment.
I just got my modem (from Universal Radio), and plan to set-up shop in the
20 meter band. Probably the same place where Q15 people hang out (data).
I'm a little ****ed that it doesn't have a KISS mode, but actually intend to use
it for voice mostly (in my truck), with a GPS tracker hooked-up to it for
position ID.