Pro 95 and USB Programming
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 04:05:00 +0000 (UTC), chesucat
ISH wrote:
IMy new computer lacks serial ports. I guess they went the way of the
Ifloppy drive. I have a USB-Serial converter, but the Starsoft program
Ionly works with serial?
A USB port, when you install the driver for a USB-serial converter,
*is* a serial port. The software can't see any difference between the
driver for RS-232 hardware and the driver for USB hardware. Just make
sure that you use the latest driver, which you may have to download
from the manufacturer's site. (Software no longer talks to the
hardware - it talks to drivers.)
The Radio Shack adapter works with the driver supplied
The adapter Wal-Mart sells works with the driver supplied (and is
probably the cheapest one)
The Belkin F5U409 works, but you need the F5U109 driver from their