On 21 Dec 2005 11:51:12 -0800, "RHF"
David - Just before I posted it -and- Just now again ~ RHF
Kiwa Electronics - Icom IC-R75 Performance Upgrades
KIWA ICOM IC-R75 MODS = http://www.kiwa.com/R75.html
DaviD - 'You left the 'n' out of 'inane''...'
Now be nice - Some have said that 'you' . . .
often have problems Making-the-Link
) ~ RHF
DaviD - Maybe it is that 'you' are Intel-Link-Ually Challenged ;-}
. .
That was so stupid I actually laughed. Go with it.
Once I used Google to bring up a cached copy the live version started
of the page showing up. I think Time-Warner (Google's new partner)
may use Google to update the DNS.