why does stevie try telling the lie that I drink
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December 22nd 05, 07:02 AM posted to
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More Markie Mularkie
Mark C. Morgan is a pathological liar and thief:
The following screen names, e-mail aliases, and Amateur Radio callsigns
have been stolen by him:
Steve, K4YZ
an Old friend wrote:
after al drinking is not illgeal not universaly (or even all that
widely) considered imoral
I didn't say it was either illegal or immoral.
I said you need to sober up when you post.
You already butcher the English language as it is, and your
affliction (alcohol, not your alleged "dyslexia") make it worse.
it happens not to be true and stvieis lying when he says he knows I
don't drink
I don't?
appearntly he has gone to the trouble of egeting dsome onetop raid my
trash to find what I don't know maybe some beer can if this was back in
Illiopis where my wifes uncle used to live with us and he drank, indeed
that poor man drank himself to death, god rest his soul
If he lived with you, I am surprised he didn't climb a clock tower
somewhere before doing himself in...
but this just proves that stevie is stalker and that nobody is safe
that has drawn his ire
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiight......
the man will go through thrash looking for something to "harm" me with?
Hey MARKIE! Congratulations!
You forgot to start the sentences with a capitalized letter and a
period at the end of the first, but you spelled TWO WHOLE SENTENCES
Whooo Hoooo!
what an ###hole
Now now, Markie...Don't be so down on yourself! That was THREE!
Treat yourself to a cold one on me!
Steve, K4YZ
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