Are all cbers on foodstamps?
The reason i post at the top is that I am a blind person and get tired of
having to listen to what everyone wrote. If you had ot use a screen reader
you would understand. I lived in the ritch section of macon, but they
called it that for some reason.
On Sun, 11 Dec 2005, DrDeath wrote:
"Dana" wrote in message
You are correct about that. I remember my first radio. The thing was about
On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Programbo wrote:
I know it was like that back in the early 60s on cb, but not now...
Huh?....Man back in the early 60`s cb was so expensive you had to be
well off to even think of having one
But yet you called it the welfare band, then admit spending 500 bucks on one
in the same time period. Trolling hypocrite! And BTW, try posting at the