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Old December 22nd 05, 10:42 AM posted to,,
Pierian Spring
Posts: n/a
Default FAQ - revised version

If you wish to be henceforth perceived as a Childish Broadcaster (CBer)
then carry right on with the Childish Broadcasting (CB) such as
you utter below.

You seem to be obsessed with me, you are chanting your
infantile playground tirades at every turn. Brian Reay says that
such obsession is a sign of envy. Have you no life of your own?

All _REAL_ Radio Hams have a number of ongoing projects
simultaneously. Some are held up for lack of components, some
for a lack of time, others for lack of info.
I wouldn't recommend anyone whose background
is in transistorised QRP to tackle the neutralising of a compact
PA stage with 600 VDC on the anodes after replacing the
antenna coupling capacitor unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly. The
was held up awaiting info, and when I needed the space, was
one of a number that I disposed of. ISTR that an R1475 awaiting
also was disposed of at the same time. The project was underway,
I was fully prepared to have a go, in sharp contrast to the
CBers-Masquerading-As-Radio-Hams of today who buy their
goods from a shop and return them to a shop if needing repair.

You really do seem anxious to score some pathetic and childish
points. You may feel at home starting and then desperately
trying to continue a ****ing-in-the-playground
competition, but that is not my style.

You do yourself, this NG, and Ham Radio in general no service
by discouraging the discussion of what we do and the problems
we encounter along the way if you pick up on minor points out
of context and sneer and chant from the sidelines. How are
we to encourage the novitiate other than by discussing what
we do?

Shame on you.

Grow up, Mike Gathergood!

Stupid boy.

Over-wound Spring wrote:
In case their are those who get a CB-type rig such as the 817
in their stockings and are misled by those-who-ought-to-know-better
into thinking that they are Radio Hams, the weekly (and
revised) FAQ is posted a couple of days early to enable
the parents to take the CB gear back to the shop.....

Could this possibly have been posted by the man who, just 8 years ago,
was selling his FT101E on the grounds that it was too difficult to tune
up without the manual?

2. FT101E, pristine condition, CW filter. (Purchased Longleat '95, never
used on TX by me 'cos critical tuning-up pages missing from manual!) "

You should get an 817 yourself - no tuning required!