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Old December 22nd 05, 11:02 AM posted to,,
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Default FAQ - revised version

Pierian Spring wrote:
OK - are you a man, or a yellow-bellied coward?

I notice that your own personal details are withheld
in the callbook.

How brave of you to publish someone else's, including
their phone number while you yourself hide shaking
and quivering behind the safety of the playground fence
while you chant your infantile sneers.

QTHR on the website ( and at

You'll also find Nick G3VCP, whom you accused of being a pirate, is

And at least I use my own name, rather than claiming to be the Pierian
Spring of Greek mythology.

"A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep or taste not the Pierian Spring"
Alexander Pope

Mike G4KFK