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Old December 22nd 05, 08:34 PM posted to,,
Pierian Spring
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Default FAQ - revised version

The plods did not check out any transcripts of mine, and took
Brian Reay at his word. I rapidly produced in defence a pile
6 inches thick of Brian Reay's infantile and grossly offensive
remarks to me and the plods had to back down. I had no
"exchanges" with Reay - I merely responded in defence
against him to chasitise him for his gratuitous offensive
onslaughts - not dissimilar from your own.

The trial of the plod Richard Fuller for assault is scheduled
to take place on the 8th February at Chippenham Magistrates'

My behaviour here has always been in support of the
technical pursuit that is _REAL Ham Radio and trying
to maintain standards of decency in response to the
outbursts of rather silly and infantile people such as

Indeed, in respect of your rather silly and infantile behaviour,
if you wish to be perceived as a Childish Broadcaster (CBer)
then just carry on with the Childish Broadcasting (CB) that
you utter below.

W8LNA wrote:
Pierian Spring wrote:
Brian Reay subjected me to a vicious, malicious and distressing
campaign of harassment...

Considering your behavior here I sincerely doubt your account of Mr.
Reay's actions, especially when you refer to the constabulary as 'the
plods,' a strong indication of your own denial of reality. I suspect
(there's a word you're used to, eh?) the police reviewed transcripts of
your exchanges with Mr. Reay and apparently determined you were the
threat, as you were the party taken in to custody.

Ta ta,
W8LNA, 'Stupid Child'