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Old December 23rd 05, 07:31 AM posted to
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Default moderately priced iambic paddles?

Howie shaped the electrons to say:
H Hello Lee,

H You're quite right, some of the paddles are quite expensive, but aren't
H they beautiful?!

H You might want to consider making your own paddle. There are numerous
H designs on the web, and a decent paddle can be made for under 15 or 20
H dollars.

H My first homemade paddle was made using hacksaw blades and worked
H rather well. I should mention that they worked well up to 20 wpm or
H so...after that they left a bit to be desired.

H Another favorite came from the old 73 magazine. Nothing more than two
H short pieces of brass welding rod held in place, making contact with a
H spacer. This worked really well and I could send just fine with it.

H I have a copy of the article I could send along to you if you like.
H Even today this should cost no more than 6 or 7 dollars...less if you
H have a small piece of scrap wood laying around.

H The point being is that you don't have to spend a fortune to have a
H great time with CW...and the guy at the other end won't be able to tell
H the difference between your homemade paddle and a $300 Whizbang Mark 5.

H 73 and Merry Christmas de WA2AFD Howard

Tnx, Howard, I ended up purchasing a BY-1 Bencher from HRO. It was their
classic paddle (without the chrome base), and only set me back $100, so I
guess it was a good compromise between quality and price. I didn't realize
paddles were so easy to make yourself. Maybe if I had more time, but such a
project does not appeal to me at this time. BTW, I built the NORCAL keyer
(real fun project, that), and it works great with the Bencher, and it was
only $16!
