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Old December 23rd 05, 01:19 PM posted to,,
Pierian Spring
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Default FAQ - revised version

The pursuit of decency and of civilised behaviour should
never admit defeat in the face of an onslaught by a horde
of vulgar and abusive infants.

If we in Radio Hammery retreat in the face of such vulgarity, then
the gates will be left open for the Mongolian Hordes.

For as long as you are prepared to illustrate so graphically
the difference between a CBer, an M3/CB Fools' Licensee, a
CBer-Masquerading-As-A-Radio-Ham and a _REAL_ Radio
Ham with his gentlemanly traditions, I am prepared to
watch you bemusedly from the sidelines and to chastise
you for your ridiculous outbursts.

It is important that we as Radio Hams make a stand for
civilised behaviour and decency against the vile CBer,
no matter how he might have slipped into our midst.

Don't you realise how silly and ridiculous you make yourself
look, by indulging in what are essentially very infantile
abusive tirades in an international forum that is broadcast to
the whole world?

However, if you wish to be perceived as a Childish Broadcaster (CBer)
then just carry on as you are with your Childish Broadcasting (CB).

You, coming as you do from a background as a ship's radio
"officer", really ought to know better. Shame on you.

Grow up, Mike Gathergood!

Stupid boy.

Galen, W8LNA wrote:
Let me guess: You're the inspiration for the Monty Python character
'Upper Class Twit of the Year'? That's amazing, considering you were
about 15 years old when they filmed that skit, you were quite
accomplished at such a tender age, my accolades!

There's nothing upper class about Gareth.

He's more like another Monty Python character, "The Black Knight" from
The Holy Grail. He just keeps coming back for more and more, never
knowing when to admit defeat.

Mike G4KFK