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Old December 23rd 05, 06:25 PM posted to
Mr Fed UP
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Default for sale by non dealer due to tax disaster

Sorry to hear of your problems there.... but your sure not alone.


I had been caring for my Mother. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2002.
I wasn't aware of this till I was at the local "Community Services" signing
Mom up for her foodstamps at the time. I saw in small print at the bottom
of the form.... "if you are applying for nursing home assistance,,,bla bla
.... for up to 30 or 36 I forget. The state can take property belonging to
person needing nursing home care.

I am glad Mom found that the State will come and take property of anyone
being put in a nursing home under Medicare or Medicaid (Tenncare in TN) for
up to 3 years prior to that time. Means they can take the house and cars
from kids. Like stealing from the dead. Mom had the Deed changed on
the house 3 years ago in September so she beat them out of it. Horary for
Mom! I didn't know that till I came down to help her out. She had signed
Power of Attorney for my brother and I in 2001 incase something would
happen that we needed to sign checks and such. When she was changing
the Deed over to me, I had her sign herself so family couldn't come in and
sue, claiming I took it away from her. She made it to me with her having
life time rights to live here. Wish it could have been longer, but glad we
had some time together.

SO!!! If you plan on leaving something to the kids or whom ever.
Better do it at least 3 years before you need your nursing home care.

Mom passed on 16 November 2005 after just 4 days in the nursing home.
I was able to help her stay at home till her 24 hours a day care surpassed
my ability to assist her. Also, some places can force a nursing home
patient out of the house if it is decided that the home care puts the
patient in danger. "Endangerment of a Dependent" Heil Hitler!!!???

I recommend everyone check their state's laws. Might get a surprise!!!!

"David Stinson" wrote in message
Gary wrote:

I've already paid them that's why I am so broke that I have to sell off
most of my boatanchors to pay my medical bills and my prescriptions.
They turned my retirement from a dream into hell.
73 and Merry Christmas to all.

You're not alone, Gary.
Five years ago, we had a paided-off home and were
"sitting pretty." After several medical disasters,
we've lost everything.
The damn Medical Mafia extortion racket-
and that's exactly what it is-
is going to bankrupt us all.
They whine and cry about how they can't make it,
but look at the cars they drive and the homes they live in.
The hospitals grieve and moan about how they're going broke,
but you walk into their lobby and it's decked-out
like friggin' Windsor Palace; it's obscene.
Look at the salaries and bonuses of hospital and drug
company boards; interesting, for people who paint
themselves as concerned and caring about the sick.
The drug companies sell a pill in Canada for $1 and
sell it here for $50. They don't do that because
they love Canadians; they're making money at $1
or they wouldn't sell it for $1 anywhere.
They do it because *they can;*
they have us "over a barrel."

I don't mind people who work hard to make a good living.
I *DO* mind it when they do so under false pretense.
It makes them liars and thieves and extortionists,
and that's *exactly* what they are.

I hope that God has mercy on you and yours,
