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Old December 23rd 05, 07:18 PM posted to
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Default The ten secrets of

Top Ten Hidden Secrets of r.r.a.p.:

10. KB9RQZ doesn't understand logic. Never has, never will.

9. Len wants a pony for Christmas but, due to a secret deal between Dave Sumner
and Riley Hollingsworth, he'll never get it.

8. K2ASP is our resident legal advisor. Sgt Robeson is our traffic cop.
Neither have jurisdiction outside their own imagination.

7. N9OGL provides millions of Americans with delightful entertainment just like
so many of the shows on the QVC and K1MAN networks.

6. Mike Coslo lurks.

5. Ignore N0IMD. All of us do.

4. If you jiggle the handle on the r.r.a.p Executive Washroom you can get in
there sometimes. Just be sure and do it after hours because if you get caught
sneaking in you'll have to ride next to N2EY on the team bus on the trip to
Dayton while he explains the advantages of CW.

3. We're actually all very nice here. We only flame the clueless and/or

2. OK, so we do flame some other people. But they had it coming.

1. RRAP Speed Limit: 5WPM (Farnsworth format 18/5).
