Thread: Its nearly here
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Old December 23rd 05, 10:23 PM posted to,,
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Default Its nearly here

"The Magnum" wrote:
its 23rd Dec just after Eastenders and there's only just over a day to
go........ before we are woken up ridiculously early by screaming excited
kids, trundling around like a heard of Elephants, the Mrs screaming how
the Christmas Turkey isn't cooked because someone accidentally turned off
the oven, relatives making themselves at home in your living room, tons
and tons of wrapping paper, packaging and toys scattered everywhere in
the excitement to open the next prezzie, overall disappointment because
everyone overlooked your hints for a nice new radio and got you socks and
slippers..... gah... why do we do it...........
Because we wouldn't have it any other way ;o)

Look after yourselves this Christmas and have a wonderful New year,

Merry X-mas,

Same to you Graham, all the best to you and your family.