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Old December 24th 05, 08:15 AM posted to,,
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Default Bringing Wood & Douglas into Disrepute

As a late G4 callsign, and therefore, it seems, being responsible for
the rot that has set into the hobby, I wil inform you a little of my
background, Stuart. Having joined the RAF after leaving school, I
trained for two years at No:-1 Radio school, RAF Locking, as a Ground
Communications engineer. I left RAF Locking, and was posted to RAF
Cranwell. Upon leaving the forces, I continued in the domestic
electronics trade, (TV, video, computers, etc,) I have 'fiddled' with
electronics all my working life, (I am now in my 50's), and have
half-filled my house with wonderful bargains, and homebrewed kit, as
the love of my life will testify. I have ferric chloride stains on most
of the carpets, a well-scorched bench, (soldering iron......) and, not
only can I tune my FT101B, I have also modified it to accept 6146B
valves in the output stages, as the cost, and availability of the 6JS6
'bottles' became silly.
I do admit to having held a class B callsign, (G8ZWI) , and cheerfully
admit to holding it for a large number of years, because I was too lazy
to get off my backside, and do the Morse. My latest constructional
project (half finished, ) is a home-brew version of the Norcal Sierra,
but with an AD9851 DDS & LCD in place of the normal VFO tuning. I will
try to contact you, if I have any problems, although I am not too sure
you will be willing to help a lowly, late, G4,

(P.S. I believe Santa Claus is bringing me a Yaesu FT817, with c.w.
filter for Christmas. Should I send it back???)

Fred Cooper G4ZWI, GQRP 10981, FISTS 9889