"All Your Base" wrote in message
I've considered nearly the same thing. Thought about putting a Heil
element in my 'sentimental' UG8 D104 when I get on HF.
My story is a lot like yours. I wanted to be on CB since my first part
95 walkie talkies. In '74 I got a real radio, then in 76 I got a
I won the unamplified mic & stand at a West Coast Radio Club Jamboree,
then proceeded to mod it. Put a TU Kit in it to turn up the modulation
and talk like a big strapper. Replaced the gray straight cable with a
blue coiled cord from a Turner mic. Added a mechanical bell and
striker to make a fake ping like Browning Eagles.
A person after my own heart. You know what I'm talkin' about. When the
Brownings fired up, everyone else just shut up and listened ;~). Remember
your first call sign? KOX4151 here.
Thanks for sharing a bit of your story.
NRA Life Member