N9NEO wrote:
I need some 1/4 " tuning slugs for an old Hammarlund HX-50. They are
just a threaded screw with a hex hole in the middle - you know the ones
I am talkin about. I got at least one thats all crumbled. I'm not sure
of the material but I would guess Powder Iron. Please tell me where I
can get off of the internet. I don't think the permeability matters
too much. Probably a ferrite or a powder iron would work.
I can also use some 1/4" x 2 1/2" coilforms with the slugs and I will
wind my own transformers. I need to add the 160m option to my HX-50.
Why Hammarlund didn't just make 160m standard will always be a mystery
to me.
I always like to tell this story

In the mid-70s a lot of
Hammarlund's surplus stock wound up at a surplus dealer in Charlotte.
The 160 meter coils were stacked up there by the 100-box...I think there
were 3? different coils? I bought one of the hundred boxes (I also
needed spare slugs) plus a couple of complete sets for my HX-50A. Oh,
they had the crystals too! I don't recall the haul costing more than a
coupla bux.
I know thats painful to hear but its one of the few times I've ever been
lucky at finding unobtainable parts!
If you need some coil forms and slugs don't hesitate to chop up a couple
of old plastic clock radios and use the innards from the IF coils as
fodder. Or if you want the 'like-original' clip-in-the-hole forms keep
an eye on ebay for someone parting out an old Heath rig of some sort.
Good luck in your quest,