A Last WARNING To Mark Morgan
K4YZ wrote:
This was the one that crossed the line, Mark,
It is vulgar, but did you draw that line or did Mark? Everybody seems
to have different lines, as you've demonstrated.
and the one that will
be second in line (behind your death threats)
(Mark made death threats? Welp, you know what you said about people
who shoot their mouth off to the wrong person. Looks like you finally
got the reaction you've been begging for for so long.)
to Houghton County
Sheriff's Office.
Houghton. I've been there. In 1992 I went all the way out to the end
of the Keewenaw Peninsula.
I've retained a lawyer in Michigan. It's expensive, but worth it.
Yeh. Probably costs more than Tennessee lawyers. Cost of living and
I am going to demand that you deliver a complete, unconditional
apology via Registered Mail to my home address no later than 27
December 2005.
You're going to, or you already have demanded an apology?
What did your attorney say about these demands? If Mark capitulates,
do you get your retainer back?
Should you fail to do so, I am prepared to move against
you in civil court.
Yikes! Is that legal? Will they dim the lights and play music?
I am also prepared to move against you in criminal
Now that definitely sounds illegal. Someone call the bailiff, the Sgt
at Arms, somebody.
Ignore this as you will, however I am counselled by an Attorney
in the State of Michigan that grounds exist and he is willing to file
them on my behalf.
What did the head counsellor say?
Said apology will also appear in RRAP.
It will? Who would see it with all the Spam?
That having been said, you are free to do as you wish, but the
consequences are yours to bear.
As are all things in America.
Steven J Robeson
This could get interesting, you moving against Mark in a courtroom.
I'm thinking of that Nextel commercial with the boombox and the "Oooh
Baby Baby" song playing. Your ridiculousness cracks me up.
You ought to tone down your rhetoric and apologize to Mark before he
brings a countersuit. You probably have more to lose than Mark, and
this will probably make it to the Nurses Board. Not good. In the end,
only your Michigan attorney will be ahead.
Merry Christmas.