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Old December 25th 05, 01:25 AM posted to
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Default Info - Icom IC-R75 with Kiwa Mods and Antenna Supermarket Eavesdropper SWL Sloper

RHF wrote:
Terry R2000SW,

Up-date us when you have more to say on the subject.

. .

The "best" single page I have found is at a Microwave magazine and it
gives math that almost makes sense.

This ought to reduce to a set of simple numbers that would allow one to

input outside (of the coax shield) signal levels in V/mtr, TI and see
how much or how little RF will sneak inside through the braid and foil.

I have built a simple test jig on a 10' long 4"4 wodden post with a 6'
injection antenna that runs parallel to , and 1" from a coax under
test. I
used wood and plastic golf tees to keep stray metal from effecting the
results. I am using a RF antenna noise bridge through a emitter
buffer and a 16:1 step down to couple the buffer to the loop. I haven't
time to do more the a quick and simple test and all I can say is it
to be working.

As time and weather permit I will post the results.
At this point I am convinced that the simplest solution to engress is
to burry
the coax. Your copper pipe idea sounds good.

Of course tossing out the PC and moving to the woods in my proposes mud
hut still has a lot of promise. Noise engress only matters if you have
