On Sun, 25 Dec 2005 06:00:50 -0000, "Sven Arne Astrup"
Merry X-mas to your all!
I have an EPSON ECM-A0404 LCD module on my table, and need the pinout or a
datasheet for the module.
I know its 20x2 characters, thats all the info I have.
Could anyone help with pinout/datasheet please?
If it is 16-pin, I'd be inclined to suggest it has the standard pinout that is
common among HD44780 type 16*2 displays. This would be especially so in the
event that there is pin numbering on the board, and the sequence is
16-15-1-...-14. Pins 1-14 would be the standard config, 15 & 16 for backlight.
Just my experience with many types, although Seiko-Epson haven't always aligned
with the rest of the world on pinouts.