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Old December 25th 05, 06:35 PM posted to
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m II wrote:

RHF wrote:

M II - With such a detailed description . . . All I can say is
that 'you' have a very intimate knowledge of DX Aces person.

Exactly. That's why I'm trying to turn him from his deviate ways. Think
of me as the shovel trying to clean up after he's 'laughed his effin(1)
ass off' for the millionth time this year.It's hard for him to be
continent without the required sphincter muscles.

Question M II - Have 'you' been acting out more of those
Great White Northern Can-A-Duha-ian Winter Fantasies
Again by Peeking Through Windows and Getting 'your'
Nose Frozen to the Glass Again ?

well, at least it was only my nose. Ask dxAss about his involuntary,
painful and rather jagged circumcision caused by a sub zero degree pane
of window glass. You will have noticed how silent he's been on that
topic since it happened last year.

Or M II _ Are the recurring dreams of the Silence-of-the-Baby-Seals
once again bashing away at the edge of your human conscience ?

The only thing bashing away at my conscience are the fools in Hollywood
who buy the skins of these slaughtered animals. The empty headed bimbos
wearing the furs make me ashamed to part of the human race.

Come on, you're simply ashamed to be a dumbass Canuck.
