On Sun, 25 Dec 2005 06:00:50 +0000, Sven Arne Astrup wrote:
Merry X-mas to your all!
I have an EPSON ECM-A0404 LCD module on my table, and need the pinout or a
datasheet for the module.
I know its 20x2 characters, thats all the info I have.
I hope you mean 2x20 characters :-)
Could anyone help with pinout/datasheet please?
73 de Sven LA6KJ
If it is based on the Hitachi HD44780 chip, it is probably
pin compatible with similar displays from Hitachi, Seiko,
Densitron and others. I have seen a few LCD modules that
don't use the HD44780 but are still 100% compatible with
it. Check the numbers on the IC's. Send us a link to a
photograph of the module. If all else fails, try using
the pinout for the Hitachi displays and hope for the best!
Displays without backlighting usually have 14 pins. Displays
with LED backlighting usually have 16 pins.
From a Seiko 2x20 display data-sheet:
2 VDD Power supply voltage +5 V
3 VLC Liquid crystal driving voltage
4 RS H: Data register; L: Instruction register
5 R/W H: Read; L: Write
6 E Enable
7 DB0 Data Bus Line
8 DB1 Data Bus Line
9 DB2 Data Bus Line
10 DB3 Data Bus Line
11 DB4 Data Bus Line
12 DB5 Data Bus Line
13 DB6 Data Bus Line
14 DB7 Data Bus Line
15 A Anode
16 K Cathode
Don't let the smoke out of it.
73, Ed. EI9GQ.
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