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Old December 26th 05, 07:09 AM posted to
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Default more stinking heaps of lying stevie ****

On 23 Dec 2005 06:28:39 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

an Old friend wrote:
why doesn't try the truth

Good question. Why don't you?

I do

he has been sping this lie that I posting drunk whn I don't drink?

Re-read that line and then TRY and wonder why anyone who is
COMPETENT in English might wonder.

you claim not to wonder but to KNOW ywhen you make that claim YOU LIE

why do this after nothing ilegal immoral iresponaible or evn wrong if I
were posting drunk after it is isn't driving drunk

I never said it was illegal or immoral.

more lie

I said it's stupid and contributes to your already functionally
illiterate jibberish.

more lie you never said that till now, abd beside drink has no effect
onmy writing since i don't drink so you lie agan

There's a lot of things you can do in this life that are neither
illegal or immoral, but are obviously stupid.

he avoided answered the question of why he is claiming that he has gone
trhough my trash or had someone go through my trash looking fro achol

No one had to, Markie. You've acknowledged drinking in this forum
in the past.

agaoin avoid the issue you claimed to have knowledge of my tash

so you are claing to to have knowledge that would require you to comit
a crime to get

Your writing and blatant lack of judgement make it easy to draw
obvious conclusions.

obvious how?

why tell this lie?

It's not a lie.

it is a lie

the only reason i can see right off it is convince he is stalking me,
and then try at some point to pull a rug from under me

You're pulling your own rug while standing on it, Markie. The
subsequent fall is going to be painful and expensive.

more threats from stvei

idle threats at that

but still what is the point?

You'd better ask yourself that question several times a day...

why ask myself about YOUR actions

Steve, K4YZ

everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name

he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

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