Happy New year to all.
N9ZLE.COM forum a success!, this is where every one is going.
After one day up there was 8 registered users, and 38 posts. We have had
36 guests come by and take a look at the postings.
This forum is slightly different than most internet forums because of the
We are holding to the Amateur Radio ideals and principles.
We have a section for anonymous posts.
You may post a link to your personal or commercial site.
All opinions are appreciated and accepted as long as they are not slanderous
or unclean.
There is a callsign lookup at the top of the forum on every page.
We are dedicated to helping our fellow HAM in what ever his/her needs are.
Please stop by and make a suggestion on any additional forums you believe
the BBS may need,
73s and 88s N9ZLE
"'Doc" wrote in message
...or maybe he's just tired of all the garbage being linked to his site
(intentionally or not). Not a 'ham' attitude anymore, or just maybe not
the same kind of ham you are? Get over it...
- 'Doc