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Old January 12th 04, 08:07 PM
Posts: n/a

"Spud" wrote in

I'm on cable with a router and Windows XP

I believe I have my XP firewall configured properly, infact I have tried
to connect to the test station with it ON and OFF to no avail ( I do see
my connect attempt displayed on the Echolink screen but my connection

The echolink help files show how to setup router port permissions on the
Dlink 604 but the Dlink 704 setup screens are very different and don't
seem to indicate weather or not I'm opening up the ports in both
directions or not.

Anybody know what I'm doing wrong here?
remove the "de-"

FIrst of all determine if your router is the problem. I'm not sure which
model DI-704 you have, but the method is the same for all models. FOr the
DI-704 goto page 17 in the manual and setup the computer you use for Echo
Link as the DMZ host. Warning: do thid fo testing only and restore it to
normal when you are finished, this exposes your computer to the Internet
WITHOUT firewall protection. IF after you try this you can connect on ECHO
link then you will have to set up port forwarding for Ports 5198 and 5199
for UDP traffic only. Info for doing this is on Page 14 of your manual.

Also check to make sure that the WInXP firewall (a useless bit of code) is

Goto Start-- Control Panel-- Network Connections. Right click on the LAN
connection for your computer ans select Properties form the menu. Click on
the Advanced tab and make sure the check box in front of "Protect my
computer and network by limiting or preneting access to this computer from
the Internet." Then click OK

Hope it helps

