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Old December 28th 05, 04:34 PM posted to
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Default Searching for OT HAM Friends

Thanks Jeff, for the information/reminder. I was hoping for something
that would allow tracking back to previous callsigns. It seems to me
that because my OT friends have changed their callsign, for whatever
reason, there is no way to locate them today, for a reunion, etc.

73, de ~ Vince ~
Stuck on IOTA NA-026

On 26 Dec 2005 20:04:51 GMT, (Jeffrey Herman)

Vince -- good news! The FCC's ULS data base,, allows you to search by name. I've always used that site for
seaching callsigns but that's only on of many many search criteria that can be utilized. I entered my own name by LAST, FIRST and the
result was hundreds of close matches in all services; many pages down I found my entry. You can narrow the search by entering which
service you want to search. Best way to learn is to play with their data base.

73, Jeff KH6O